The SophosLabs blog is written by security researchers at SophosLabs, with regular contributions from the companies researchers based in Sydney, Oxford, Boston and Vancouver.
The blog will be updated several times each day to cover the latest technical information and stories of interest.
The Sophos network of malware and spam analysis centres in each location means the blog covers global timezones.
Australian contributors will include Sean McDonald, SophosLabs Manager, JPAC, and the team at Sophos's North Sydney threat analysis, research and development centre.
“In today's world of rapidly evolving security threats, organisations need swift access to information about what's out there, what's interesting and what's causing a problem," said Mark Harris, director of SophosLabs in the UK.
“The new blog provides Sophos customers, business partners and the general public with updates on interesting new malware and spam techniques, insight into web-based threats, and even examples of when hackers get it very, very wrong,” Mr Harris said.
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