The Do Not Call register, which has been pre-registering people wanting to block calls from telemarketing companies for more than a month, came into effect this week.
Communications Minister Helen Coonan said when the service went live on Thursday, 1,012,813 numbers had been registered. More than 20,000 numbers per day had been registered, she said.
“The Do Not Call Register allows families to re-claim their evenings as their own, to once again enjoy uninterrupted dinner times by opting out of receiving telemarketing calls,” Senator Coonan said.
“At the same time, the Government recognises that there are many organisations and institutions, such as charities and social researchers that make unsolicited calls while performing a valuable community service.
“That is why we have made limited exemptions to protect the interests of these organisations and the important role they play in the community and in the broader public interest.
“Many responsible direct marketing organisations have gone to great lengths to accommodate the Do Not Call register and I congratulate them on their cooperation and goodwill during this period of change.
“I am confident that the Australian Government’s Do Not Call register will greatly reduce the number of unwanted telemarketing calls and that consumers will be able to reclaim their evenings.
Senator Coonan also said that more than 44,500,000 numbers had been checked, or ‘washed’, against those listed on the register, following the start of the list washing service on 25 May. A total of 355 businesses have opened accounts with the register.
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