Developed over the past three years at a cost of $10 million – making it one of the biggest locally developed commercial software launches in years – Attache 7 is the platform’s first generational upgrade in a decade.
Attache managing director Michael Rich says the company has big expectations for the product, which he says hits the market “sweet spot” of SME customers that have outgrown products like MYOB and QuickBooks, but who aren’t big enough to afford the large-scale SQL-based financials.
The Attache 7 product is inexpensive – a typical implementation costing as little as $400 a month – and has retained its reputation for bullet-proof reliability that Attache has earned over its 26 year history.
Attache Software was present at the birth of the PC industry. The company was founded in 1981, and its Attache-branded software was the first PC application in the world to be distributed by IBM.
Mr Rich says despite its low profile in recent years, Attache has been the industry’s “quiet achiever”, with more customers, higher revenue and better profitability than at any time in its history.
The company also enjoys one of the highest customer loyalty and customer satisfaction ratings of any software company doing business in Australia. Though Attache 7 is the first major upgrade to the product in a decade, Mr Riche says there have been 26 point-release updates along the way – and customers like the platform.
Since it was launched late last year, the company has completed more than 1,500 Attache 7 installations, and hopes to compete 6,000 by mid-year. Mr Rich said the overwhelmingly positive reception for the product meant Attache Software revenues were expected to double in 2007.
Attache 7 consists of three components. The Accounts & Payroll software is strong in order processing, stock control, departmental reporting, with bomb-proof reliability, high-speed data entry, seamless integration with Microsoft Office and scalable to 100 users.
The second component is a ‘green’ document manager called Alex that lets users fax and email invoices and statements, pay advices – with batching and tracking – saving time, stationary and cash flow. The company says the Alex savings alone should cover the cost of the Attache 7 product.
The third component, Fast Track, is pay-as-you-go pricing that includes maintenance, the database and optional telephone and classroom support. The product is priced at a monthly amount that can be terminated with 60 days notice.
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