The top priority for the Rudd Labor government should be to give the ICT industry and the wider community “clear plans and a concrete timetable” for the nationwide broadband roll-out, AIIA chief executive Sheryle Moon said.
Welcoming the change, Ms Moon said the AIIA looked forward to working with the new government during what will be a “pivotal” three years.
“The leadership and policy delivered to the industry over the next three to five years will to a large degree define our future stake in the international information economy as well as our ability to successfully meet Australia’s most pressing domestic issues.” Ms Moon said.
In other areas the AIIA said that the government has presented strong policies addressing a number of significant industry concerns.
“In particular, we look forward to working with the new government to address ICT workforce pressures and reinvigorate the R&D sector,” said said.
However, more will be required if ICT is to maintain a viable contribution to the economy and wider issues affecting Australia.
“The ALP’s Innovation Future for Australian Industry … recognises many of the imperatives that must be addressed if the ICT industry is to maintain a vibrant contribution to Australia and its interests,” said Ms Moon.
“The challenges it identifies are significant, however, and the clock is ticking,” she said.
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