Melbourne-based telecommunications specialist Service Stream was this month awarded a multi-million contract to build the Australian Government’s long-anticipated register.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority said Service Stream was awarded a contract to design and operate the register until 2011 following a month-long competitive tender process.
The Do Not Call Register was set up to give local consumers a mechanism for stopping telemarketers calling their home and mobile numbers. It is expected to be operational by May.
Senator Coonan said the register was a direct response to growing concern about the growth in the number of telemarketing calls and said government was preparing for massive initial demand for the opt-out service.
“The Do Not Call Register will provide peace of mind to individuals who are distressed or concerned by receiving large numbers of telemarketing calls,” Senator Coonan said.
“Based on overseas experience, we expect there will be a high level of demand for the register – as many as one million numbers could be registered in the first week alone,” she said. “It is therefore imperative that a robust Register is developed.
Government committed $33.1 million in the last federal Budget to establish and operate the register, and made the passage of enabling legislation through Parliament a priority to ensure the service was up and running as soon as possible.
“This is a significant step towards reducing the number of annoying unsolicited calls received by many Australians,” Senator Coonan said.
The Do Not Call Register is expected to be fully operational by no later than the end of May 2007. From that time, it will be unlawful, in the absence of consent, for telemarketers in Australia or overseas to contact a number listed on the register.
The Do Not Call Register legislation provides for telemarketers to submit their calling lists for checking against register.
ACMA has also released for public comment a draft determination setting out the arrangements for telemarketers accessing the register.
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