CitiGOLD chief operating fficer Chris Towsey said PRONTO-Xi was not only able to offer a robust, scalable solution to accommodate its aggressive growth plans, but tools to meet some industry-specific cost reporting requirements.
“We needed more than an incumbent accounting system, as that alone does not provide the integrated financial management and reporting solution required to track and measure quite specific costs,” Mr Towsey said.
“For the mining industry, cost control is critical, as we don’t control the selling price of what we produce - the market and our customers do. So our ability to increase profit margins is based on our ability to control exploration and production costs,” he said.
“PRONTO-Xi offered two appealing features; the ability to handle laboratory assays and quality control data - that is, chemical analysis, and reporting exploration costs against tenements which is a very unusual activity for business software producers.”
CitiGOLD has selected a range of PRONTO-Xi modules including Financials, Distribution, Project Costing Management, Payroll, Screen Customiser and Faxmail.
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