Mr Yang unveiled Yahoo! Go 3.0, an early beta of the company’s flagship, all-in-one mobile platform. The Go 3.0 interface promises open access to vast array mobile “Widgets” from all over the web.
To reinvigorate the company in its on-going battle with Google, Mr Yang said the company planned to focus on being the preferred “starting point for anything and everything users need online.”
That meant pouring resources into opening “the Yahoo experience” to any device, anywhere and any time.
“To be the best starting point, it's clear that we need to open the Yahoo! experience to any device or user. Mobile is a perfect example since more consumers are soon expected to come and go from the Net via their phones rather than desktops,” Mr Yang said.
“We're committed to creating the best and richest mobile experience for all consumers - making it extremely personalized to their individual style and needs while opening up the Yahoo! mobile platform to allow anyone to participate.”
Yahoo! Connected Life executive vice-president Marco Boerries called Yahoo Go 3.0 a game-changing mobile development.
“This new open environment provides consumers with a highly-compelling user experience and robust, personalised starting point to the mobile internet,” Mr Boerries said.
“We are providing users with increased control over their experiences as well as increased choice in getting the content and services they want while on the go.”
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