Special Minister of State Gary Nairn said the visually impaired would be able to cast secret ballots at 29 locations across Australia at the election as part of the first-ever trial of electronic voting devices.
The electronic booths will be available in all States and Territories.
“This is a trial that the Government strongly supports to enable people who are blind or vision impaired to have the opportunity for a secret vote,” Mr Nairn said.
“Electronic voting will be available for two weeks in the lead up to, and on election day, in 29 electorates.
“The locations were selected by the Australian Electoral Commission after a careful process of consultation with relevant peak bodies and service organisations around Australia and an examination of potential locations,” Mr Nairn said.
The Australian Electoral Commission will be demonstrating the electronic voting machines at each location before the election for the interest of people with vision impairment and local support groups.
The electronic voting machines will not be available to people who are sighted.
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